Street Food Vending in Bangkok soll künftig Thai-nationals vorbehalten sein Recently, Thai authorities evicted Myanmar vendors from the streets of Bangkok claiming unpaid stall rentals and work stolen from Thai nationals. This action is framed into the city’s policy of a Singapore-modeled streetfood selling. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi kritisierte im Jahr 2019 die Qualität […]
Read more...Category: Consequences of the Coup d’État
“Hoffnung mit Realismus mischen”
Ein Pressespiegel aus Asien reflektiert die Situation in Myanmar am 1. Februar 2023 Two years ago, the military in Myanmar annullled the results of the November 8th 2020 election, bringing the country under its rule again. The following press review of selected international media, with a focus on Asian outlets shows a varying perception of the […]
Read more...Thailands schillernde Rolle
Der Umgang mit den Coup-Flüchtlingen aus Myanmar reflektiert Facetten thailändischer Politik Living near Thailand’s border or staying in Thailand itself, refugees from Myanmar of diverse backgrounds are in need of a systematic approach of international assistance. Until now, various barriers hinder organisations, like the International Committee of the Red Cross (IRCC), to enter either country. […]
Read more...„Vergeltung und Abschreckung“
In Myanmar wurden Todesurteile vollstreckt Under the rule of the State Administration Council, Myanmar administered the death penalty for the first time in 46 years. Several countries have this punishment in their penal codes, hereby ignoring modern developments of international law, which by itself does not forbid it but categorize it a disregard of human […]
Read more...Land ohne Tourismus
Myanmar opened up to tourism again on April 17th, 2022. Commercial flights, suspended during the last two years due to the pandemic have been resumed at a modest scale. Still, it remains an enigma, where tourists in today’s Myanmar could go. As long as peace and political stability are shaken in the current situation, people […]
Read more...“Sea-Change” in Myanmar
After a year of an imposed state of emergency, Myanmar is in unprecedent turmoil, while new social forces are emerging. Through the experience of extraordinary violence, thousands of people lost their homes, going from poor to needy. So far, the international community has neither recognized the self-declared military government nor its civilian parallel. Nach dem […]
Read more...Gegen den Hunger
Hunger is back in the cities of Myanmar, especially in its commercial hub Yangon. Main cause is a steady decline of the country’s economy following the coup d’état of February,1. Hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs related to Covid-19 and the post coup-situation. This mass unemployment results in catastrophic financial situations of the households […]
Read more...‘Myanmar in Turmoil’ Seems to Vanish from The World’s Attention
With the coup d’état of February 1 probably an “irreversible” event, and the country being dragged into a spiral of violence, the world seems to lose interest in Myanmar. The worldwide media coverage of the first weeks after the military’s power seizure answered by the energetical formation of the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and other […]