Started in April 2020, this blog is about Myanmar and Indo-Pacific affairs.
Read more...BRICS+ and Myanmar: Putting a Wish in Ivan’s Basket?
updated February, 8, 2025 BRICS+ is an increasingly powerful association made up of countries mainly from the Global South. Myanmar, in the midst of its situation of internal war, on the long run is standing in line for membership. What are its chances of acceptance? On the one hand, Myanmar has strong advocates in Russia, […]
Read more...‘Access, the main challenge is access to the growing number of people in need.’
Working as an INGO in today’s Myanmar: The ‘Welthungerhilfe‘ Myanmar’s current situation is of historic dimensions. As one of the countries most affected by climate change it is hit by heat peaks, droughts, floodings, and cyclones like powerful Mocha, in 2023 one of many storms according the season over the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, there is […]
Read more...Norway’s Telenor wants money back from Myanmar
Currently, there is a follow-up of the Norwegian company’s exit from the country in 2021. Arguing that the sales process was done too hasty, Telenor uses the World Bank’s mechanism of “International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes” (ICSID) to possibly get financial compensation. Telenor whose majority owner is the Norwegian government, is a Telecommunication […]
Read more...„A meaningful way of helping“
The Bettina-Kattermann-Stiftung (BKS) provides postgraduate scholarships for students from Myanmar. The foundation is ready to receive new applicants. How is the situation after the coup d état? ___________ Dr. Vera Kattermann, a Berlin-based psychotherapist and the BKS’s founder, talks with about her late sister’s legacy and the foundation’s perspectives. Question (Q): Would you mind to […]
Read more...Welcome to Vladivostok!
The tourism sector in Myanmar thoroughly shattered, new customers are awaited from inside the country as well as from Russia and China by Myanmar’s military council. Travel season is starting in Southeast Asia. People from all over the world will come to visit its people, beaches, landscapes, and cultural landmarks. Myanmar always had to compete […]
Read more...Research about Myanmar: ‘The adaption process is still running’.
A conference on Myanmar, taking placing at the University of Zurich last June, was performed under strict rules of conduct, reflecting the country’s crisis also in the area of science. Diverting positions within the international community how to meet Myanmar’s situation became visible. Hot summer days in Zurich, cold comfortable rooms inside the university’s old […]
Read more...“In the Path of the Storm”
As cyclone Mocha hit Bangladesh as well as Myanmar’s Rakhine and Chin State, Magwe and Sagaing Region on May 14th, the main bulk of humanitarian assistance is yet to arrive. Mocha as well as cyclone Nargis back in 2008 got the storm-category 4, which means catastrophic. Der Zyklon Mocha traf am 14.5.2023 auf die Küste […]
Read more...Essen wie in Myanmar
Das Frachtgeschäft in Myanmar boomt. Grund sind die Essgewohnheiten der Exil-Burmes:innen Homesick refugees and migrants living in exile all over the world are yearning for Burmese food, triggering an economic boom for freight companies which organize deliveries from Myanmar. Eating habits used to be a typical cultural marker in the research of migration. Menschen, die […]
Read more...Die, die am Rand stehen
Street Food Vending in Bangkok soll künftig Thai-nationals vorbehalten sein Recently, Thai authorities evicted Myanmar vendors from the streets of Bangkok claiming unpaid stall rentals and work stolen from Thai nationals. This action is framed into the city’s policy of a Singapore-modeled streetfood selling. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi kritisierte im Jahr 2019 die Qualität […]
Read more...“Hoffnung mit Realismus mischen”
Ein Pressespiegel aus Asien reflektiert die Situation in Myanmar am 1. Februar 2023 Two years ago, the military in Myanmar annullled the results of the November 8th 2020 election, bringing the country under its rule again. The following press review of selected international media, with a focus on Asian outlets shows a varying perception of the […]
Read more...“Witnessing a lot of drama”
Das Magazin “The Diplomat” fasst das Jahr 2022 für den asiatisch-pazifischen Raum zusammen Giving a review of the year 2022 in the Asia-Pacific, the editors of „The Diplomat“ portrayed selected regions and events spanning from Northeast Asia to Central Asia. Mainly countries like China, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, India and Kasachstan made it onto the list, […]