With the coup d’état of February 1 probably an “irreversible” event, and the country being dragged into a spiral of violence, the world seems to lose interest in Myanmar. The worldwide media coverage of the first weeks after the military’s power seizure answered by the energetical formation of the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and other entities like strike committees has ceded to almost complete silence over what is going on in Myanmar. Sure, there are other spots in the world demanding attention, there are other challenges, and there are other conflicts. Developments in today’s Myanmar occurr quickly and are manyfolded, meaning to many that keeping up with these events seems to be a tough task.
It is often stressed that “Myanmar was a highly complex and unique country”. Now, this statement is truer than ever. Let’s help to understand what is going on. For this purpose, from now on this blog’s contributions will be written in German with an English summary, in an ad hoc-manner and in no particular order. In doing so, something what is called “Zugewandtheit” might be generated. This would mean: turning to, not turning away from the people of Myanmar in a situation repeatedly called “historical”.